Are you unsure about what to list when selling your Neopets account? This guide will help you navigate the process and sell your neopets account effectively. Keep in mind that much of the advice here is based on personal opinion, so it's important to use your own judgment when deciding what works best for you.
i. Username
The username of an account impacts it's value greatly. What's common-sense to many is that you should never post the actual username of your accounts due to safety reasons. What most sellers do is just list the general format of the account.
x - Lower Case Letter
# - Number
_ - Underscore
E..g : feather99_337 = xxxxxxx##_xx
This ensures the seller's safety, and at the same time provides the buyer with a general idea of what the username might be like. The completely weary sellers, just tend to not even list the format. Rather they just list the quality of the username.
VWN - Very well named (E.g Trick)
WN - Well named (E.g Trickaler)
DN - Decent named (E.g trickstaoro or tr1ckster or trick_treat)
BN - Bad named (Trick19934 or Tric451_12)
VBN - Very Bad Named (T4R4I4C7K1 or T_r_i_c_k_19)
ii. Legitimacy
The legitimacy of the account should always be listed to avoid spam (Though most sellers tend not to include it). Most sellers have various views on what's legit and what's not, here's my perspective.
Legit - The account was made by you. It has not been on any other IP but yours. It has NEVER, been associated with scamming/cheating. Most sellers nowadays who say there accounts are legit, are just lying. Your better off buying a secured illegit account from a trusted member in my opinion.
Illegit - Cheated on in any point in time. Hacked account. Previously bought account (Reliability of the previous seller, against the rules to buy accounts, change in IP, etc.)
iii. Avatar Count
Avatar count should be listed first. When listing the count, round to the nearest five. (E.g 198 = 200). Either list that, or you could list a range for the avatars. The range shouldn't be something ridiculous, at the max the range should be between five and twenty.
These are some avatars, that I would list if on the account :
The listing of avatars, really depends on the accounts.
iv. Trophy Count
Trophy count/range should be listed first. Following, either you can list a few of the better trophies (Retired, Gold Game, Rare Trophies, etc.), or include a screenshot of all the trophies.
These are some trophies, that I would list if on the account (Haven't even seen half of the trophies, so I couldn't list them all. Plus there are WAY too many trophies) :
v. Age/Stamps/Site Themes/Key Quest/Neodeck/Shop&Gallery Size
Nothing really special about the age, just include it normally or with a range.
Stamps usually don't add extra value onto a account, if it exceeds like 200, you can include that. If they have stamps worth like 30m+, you can include that (Many of the older accounts tend to have Candychan Stamp in their albums).
Again, either the normal value or a range for the Site Themes. You can include the sought after themes, but most buyers don't really consider at the site themes.
Haunted Woods
Curse of Maraqua
Space Faerie Premium
Altador Cup
Altador Plot
Cyodrake's Gaze
Tale of Woe
Return of Dr. Sloth
Petpet Protection League
Puzzle Adventure
Daily Dare
Quizara's Curse
Atlas of the Ancients
Keyquest is not something many buyers seem to list, just because most accounts don't even have a substantial amount of them. Feel free to include the amount of kq tokens, and if they have any rare ones, include them too. Just like the stamps, neodeck doesn't add on much value to the account. If it exceeds 200, you should include that. If shop/gallery size exceeds around 30, you can include that. Better to do a range, or round off the number.
vi. Pet
Pets that should even be considered to be listed are :
Unconverted Pets
Costly Painted Pets (Maraquan, Pirate, Plushie, etc.)
Krawks/Draiks/LE Pets
Again, similar to the avatars, this really depends on the account. If your selling an elite account, you should list the above. If not, use your own judgment to list the pets.
For the names of the pet, you can look back at i. username.
When including the BD stats, people tend to use the HSD system.
HSD = Health+Strength+Defense
E.g H-100/S-200/D-200 = HSD-500
vii. Neopoints & Items
Again common sense, but you wouldn't say you have 394,503np on your account, rather 400,000np. When including items, you wouldn't list ALL the items on your accounts, rather the ones of actual value. If your sdb storage amount is large, you should also include that (If you didn't check the sdb, state that too). Check your stocks, sometimes people have neopoints there and tend to neglect that.
viii. Neocash
Start off by listing the actual amount of neocash left on the account.
Following that should be the amount of gift boxes on the account (They can only be in three places ; Inventory, SDB, Gallery).
Then items of actual value. If your confused of NC value, use this great guide.
Some of the amazing items include :
ix. Other
If access to the lab/petpet lab is available, then that should be listed.
Most people sell neopets account for usd, and that is what is standard nowadays. If you are charging another currency, be sure to specify that.
A good technique is not to include a AB, imo. I personally can't explain why, but my friend explained this well.
It's actually pretty smart what he's doing - yes annoying to buyers, I know, but still.
If he doesn't list an AB, he always has the chance of getting more than he expected for the pet, as long as the demand is high enough, which it obviously is for these pets - if he does list an AB, he pretty much *has* to accept the offer if someone bids the listed AB, basically no one would be able to bid more than that because he has to accept the first AB offer that comes. After all, that IS what he said would be 'auto'. Well then you could say, why not just list a high AB then? well then no one is going to bid. -Vee
x. Format
What I strive for when selling my accounts, is the actually visual appearance of how I display them. In my opinion, properly displaying them will get them much faster. When you go on a thread and everything clumped up, you don't even bother to check the thread, but when everything is neatly displayed, it's quite easy to go through the thread.
xi. Need a Example?
Username : xxxxxxxxxxxxAge : 10 1/2 YearsLegit Account.250-260 Avatars, including :50+ Trophies, includingStamps : 250+Site Themes : 10AMAZING BD PET - HSD:14000Neocash:3000NC/Neocash Boxes:33Access to LabAB : $6969HB :